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Protect Your Life
Our trainer is trained to provide detailed training to avoid selection for violence, dealing with life threatening situations, how to respond to them, and how to protect yourself in a violent encounter.
About US
Life Skills... Delivered
It ALWAYS happens to Other People ........ UNTIL it happens to YOU
Glacier Speaks IT (instruction & training) was formed to address violence against those in the Real Estate Industry and more specifically Real Estate Agents. We have since added our Teachers to this training as well. We provide training services specifically tailored to Agents all around the United States and Canada. Our training is specifically designed to equip Agents, Brokers and Associations how to be safe, respond in life-threatening situations, and provide safety training in the office and in the field. Training is comprehensive and is offered in modules, methodically taking an agent through their day beginning in the office through the end of their day showing a listing and safely home.
We are a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business.
Realtor® Safety Training
We deliver top quality training to your audience - guaranteed
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The design inspiration can come from an observation of what's missing from a client's current collection or a simple UI problem.
We Deliver
Money-Back Guarantee
If your Office, Brokerage, or Association believes we didn't subjectively and objectively deliver quality training, we will return the teaching fee.
Lives Protected
We work through several rounds of production samples to refine and tweak - until we get to the final product.
Our Work
Below is a list of training modules that we currently offer
MT Real Estate Instructor #23-GFAR-100I
Office Safety (MT Course #23-GFAR109C)
2 Hours (Industry Specific)
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Low cost safety measures
- Prospect Identification Form
- Safety protocol
- Information Security
- After hours policy
- Distress codes and Attitude
- Agent Personal/Emergency Information Form
- Mental exercises
- Office Policies
- Role Playing
Preparing The Listing (MT Course #23-GFAR-110C)
2 Hours (Industry Specific)
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Area crime statistics
- Safety Steps During/After Contact of Potential Listing
- You Want The Listing & Meeting the Seller
- Emergency Action & Escape Plan For Each Listing
- Safety Tips For Sellers
- We are ready to advertise the listing
- Role Playing
Vehicle Safety (MT Course #23-GFAR-112C)
2 Hours (Industry Specific)
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Prevention and Common Safety For All
- Personal Information Form
- Driver Safety
- Vehicle Fighting Considerations
- Getting Out of The Vehicle
- Additional Safety
- Vehicle Bag Items
- Closing Thoughts
Don't Be a Realtor® Crime Victim (MT Course #23-GFAR-111C)
4 Hours (Industry Specific)
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Area crime statistics
- Vacant property Considerations
- Open house considerations
- Showing considerations
- Show/Open house checklists
- Mental exercises
- Realtor security and defense
- No Cell Phone Coverage
- Role Playing
Not a Victim Everyday (MT Course #23-GFAR-108C) 2 Hours
Not a Victim Everyday (MT Course #23-GFAR-107C) 1 Hours
Information covered in this training module includes:
- The purpose of a personal and home protection plan
- Conflict avoidance and why it’s so important
- Situational awareness
- The color codes of awareness
- Observing our environments
- Home security and home defense
- Mental exercises
Legal Use of Force (MT Course #23-GFAR113C)
2 Hours
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Reasonable force
- Deadly force
- The “Use of Force Continuum”
- How will a prosecutor evaluate your case?
- Defense of the home (or other occupied structure)
- Defense of property
Violent Encounters and the Aftermath (MT Course #23-GFAR-114C)
2 Hours
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Criminals
- The physiology of fight or flight
- Adrenaline and endorphins
- Visual distortions
- Auditory distortions
- Memory distortions
- The attack
- Evaluating our options
- The immediate aftermath
- When the police arrive
Pepper Spray: Spice Up Your Attackers Life (MT Course #21-GFAR-128C)
4 Hours
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Awareness and Avoidance
- Attacker Distraction Techniques
- Verbal and Physical Escape Techniques
- Training Drills for Preventing Attacks
- Personal Protection Options
- Personal Safety Spray Introduction
As part of the class you will receive three practice canisters (some used in class), a Self-Protection active canister, and workbook.
Charting the Navigational Course to Safety (MT Course #22-NMAR-148)
1- Hour (Industry Specific)
Information covered in this training module includes:
- Safety Steps After Contact of Potential Listing
- Driving Ingress & Egress Plan
- PACE (Primary/Alternate/Contingency/Emergency) Routes and Communication
- Emergency Action & Escape Plan for Each Listing
This class was designed to be used for Lunch & Learn or other occasions when two or more hours was not available or appropriate for the event. This lesson has portions of #20-GFAR-107/108/109).
October 2020 Issue of Concealed Carry Magazine
Article About Our Training Published in a National Award Winning Magazine
This article was written to shed light on dangers the Real Estate industry faces. We are working to lift the veil of ignorance regarding safety. As you see above, our training is no non-sense.
PDF of the article is found here for download: https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/c0a920b1-aa24-472e-a988-e1add8732e5c/Will-Parker-Concealed-Carry-10-2020.pdf?id=323997
Agent Designations for Self and Consumer Safety Dedication
Earn YOUR Designation to keep yourself and your clients SAFE! Commercial or Residential
Agent Safety Trained - Gold: AST-G
Complete every two-years to maintain designation.
12-Hours of any of our Safety Training in a two-year period.
Agent Safety Trained - Platinum: AST-P
Complete every two-years to maintain designation.
Requirements - Gold and additionally USCCA Concealed Carry Training OR USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 in a two-year period or USCCA Women's Program Levels 1 through 3 (Women only); USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 2 available after completion of Level 1. This is at least an additional eight-hours of training significantly enhancing your ability to protect yourself and your clients.
To earn Platinum following Gold Certification, one of the above requirements must be met prior to Gold two-year term expiration. Certification of Platinum will begin a two-year period following above Platinum requirement.
What do you get for your dedication and investment in the certification?
Complete every two-years to maintain designation.
- Special Lapel Pin in the color(s) earned.
- Frame worthy Serialized Certificate of Completion for Gold and Platinum levels.
- Digital artwork/logos to use on your website, social media, and business cards.
- Platinum re-certification will enable you to add a platinum class for ½ price during certification.
How does an Agent maintain their earned certification?
Complete every two-years to maintain designation.
- Gold/Platinum
- Complete the certification requirements no later than three-months after two-year period expiring.
- Platinum additional option
- If USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 was previously completed, you have the opportunity to attend the Level 2 course.
Below is a list of our upcoming events.
- Professional Certified TrainerOur Trainer is Certified to Deliver the Proper Education
Will Parker is a Retired Naval Officer of 25 years of Active Service in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. He dedicates himself to helping others through education in how to prevent becoming a victim of violence. He has been a professional instructor since 1994 when he was selected to teach Sailors in the operations of the AEGIS Weapons System at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, NJ and has continued teaching ever since. Will retired from the military in 2011 and regularly pursues continuing education within the topics he teaches and instructor development; hundreds of hours per year in continuing education. Below is a list of some of his most notable certifications for teaching within the Real Estate Industry:
REEA Distinguished Real Estate Instructor
REEA Board of Directors (Director)
REEA Distinguished Real Estate Instructor Reviewer (in-training)
REEA Gold Standard Instructor
Force Science Institute Analyst
MAG Deadly Force Instructor
USCCA Senior Training Counselor & Instructor
I.C.E., Rangemaster, NRA & Utah Firearms Instructor
Law of Self-Defense Instructor
John Maxwell Speaker, Trainer, and Coach
Will Parker
- Proficiency needed on your Hard Skills?Please see our other business which teaches you the HOW these hard skills - Here
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